wellbeing . radiant body mind spirit


How This Started

People have told me for years when I was living in New York that I should blog because I posted the most interesting articles, because I traveled so much and should write about my travels...I tried a few years ago when, for the first time in my life, profession-wise, I wasn't sure what to do next. I had always planned everything ahead. Most people try to "find themselves" in their 20s but here I was in my mid-30s confronting this for the first time in my life. I'd kind of been sucked along another path that I half way enjoyed but not fully and wanted to escape it. I wanted more creativity in my life. I'd been living in Brooklyn surrounded by the creative class and even though people told me I was so creative, I never considered myself so since I suppose I'd been living in a life that wasn't really completely meant for me. I knew I cared about health and wellness since that was a constant in my life. My then-boyfriend told me that I should live full time in a spa. That was no doubt due to my sensitive nature as an empath. I'd tolerated an ultra high stress job and life for years like nearly everyone in New York does. It wore me out. Plus I wasn't spiritually satisfied. I needed something more. So I set off and embarked on a journey - I always loved reading so I thought maybe if I'd read books about this issue, I'd find more answers. I roamed around the Hudson Valley since I missed green nature and loved exploring the organic farms and healthy communities. I rented out my apartment on airbnb and stayed in artists' airbnbs in the countryside. I existed like a gypsy for about 2 years. I was constantly finding inspiration and on a path, just not exactly sure which path I was on. At least I gathered plenty of material on the way...and this is just the beginning of this part of my story - I'm still trying to figure out my path and find my tribe. I'm always getting closer, I think.